Welcome to the Chada.org Genealogy Homepage!!!

We are doing family history research on a number of families.  Some of the surnames are listed below.  Click on one of our links and check us out.

Chada Family

Barta Family

Dersham Family

Fritchek Family

Cada, Cady, Chady, Cisar, Czada, Czady, Divoky, Novacek, Pasek, Kanderove, Kronika, Kroniky, Sazma, Sazmova   Barta, Hurta, Knapp, Pawlicek, Semika, Tucek.

Blocher, Brunner, Dersham, Dershem, Doersam, Fischer, Guttinger, Hahn, Keil, Linn, Rasor, Schweissguth, Smith, Steffan, Weyer.

Blass, Fritchek



Holper Family

Kosmacek Family

Thompson Family

Yarger Family

Holper, Schwarz, Weber. Kosmacek Bluebaker, Brubaker, Keim, Milles, Thompson. Grimes, Hall, Lewis, Yarger

Happy surfing!